The Wave Pictures – Instant Coffee Baby (Moshi Moshi, 2008)


Nick: is this…….. punk? or just punk?

not really, maybe a bit in spirit.

well the voice and the way the melodies are treated, seem ‘punk’ to me.

it’s very difficult to criticize it in any kind of concrete or rational way.

but to me it comes across as very unsympathetic, his voice and the way he sings sounds unsympathetically arrogant, the music too.

the whole thing has a feeling and atmosphere of unsympathetic arrogance, I’m sorry to say.

it’s clever, intelligent, the problem is he knows it! and probably thinks the world are a bunch of stupid idiots that he’s better than.

maybe I’m being unfair to judge it on that.

you know when you go into a room of total strangers, and there’s one person who you just immediately want to hit, they exude a sense of……….?

well, this is the musical equivalent of that.

I can’t imagine this guy is a nice guy.

and you like this?

love it.

really, why?

ehhh… it’s unique even though its playing with very traditional song structures, chord progressions etc, funny lyrics, good simple songs, what more could you want?

is it satirical I wonder?

of what?

I don’t know.

ok I take back that the music is adding to this unsympathetic feel, it’s just the voice, I would love to hear them with another singer.

Sometimes I can be quite stupid. ‘Sophie’ by The Wave Pictures was one of my favorite albums of 2006, but after that I just never bothered to buy anything else, no specific reason, it just never even entered my mind. Well, I have to give big thanks Ben over at Stereo Sanctity for including it in his year end best of and knocking some sense into me. This is clever / dumb, hateful / heartful, kick ass (no really) rock n roll fun. Full to the brim of all the good stuff.

One response to “The Wave Pictures – Instant Coffee Baby (Moshi Moshi, 2008)

  1. I prefer my review.

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